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Local Pickup Available - Whitesboro, Texas

We offer local pickup in Whitesboro, Texas.

To pick up your order: Select the Local Pickup option under "Shipping Options" at checkout or you can contact us on Instagram @NomadicMinerals or Facebook to schedule a pickup time.

Our Ethical & Sustainability Standards

At Nomadic Minerals, we are committed to promoting ethical and sustainable practices in the sourcing of crystals and mineral specimens. We recognize the environmental and social impact of the mining industry, and we strive to ensure that our products meet the highest standards of ethical and sustainable sourcing.

  • Transparency and Traceability:
    We prioritize transparency in our supply chain, providing our customers with detailed information about the origins of each crystal and mineral specimen. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure traceability, allowing you to make informed choices about the products you purchase.
  • Fair Trade Practices:
    Supporting fair trade is integral to our values. We collaborate with mining communities and artisanal miners who adhere to fair labor practices. This commitment ensures that the individuals involved in the extraction and processing of our crystals and minerals are treated with dignity and receive fair compensation for their work. We do not source any of our products from China.
  • Environmental Stewardship:
    We actively seek out suppliers who prioritize environmentally responsible mining practices. This includes efforts to minimize ecological impact, rehabilitate mining sites, and implement eco-friendly extraction methods. By choosing our ethically sourced crystals, you contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity.


We offer private wholesale to registered businesses. You must submit your Tax/Resell ID to purchase wholesale products from us. We are US based - Located in Texas. 

Our wholesale platform is currently on our private FB group where we conduct live & feed sales. 

To join our fb group:

Follow Us On IG @Nomadicminerals & @NomadicMineralsWholesale.